Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

DD #95: 'Barukalek' Re-Opening

One year ago Mr. Cosmic from outer space (UK) delegated the fictive job of designing the fantasy dwarf character 'Barukalek' as a game character concept to me for simulating standard and process in a real production pipeline.

Therefore he worte me this briefing: Barukalek is a 103 years old dwarf who has fought on many battlefields and always succeeded. He is known for his mercilessness and rude brutality. As a passionate fiddler his special feature is the violin, which also helped him in lots of battles. There is something about this unique violin.

1st task: create a model sheet, the basic character design layout.
2nd task: draw portraits as him being angry, happy, victorious, wounded, fighting.
3rd task: draw poses: a) standing, victorious, arms raised b) standing, left hand on right shoulder
4th task: proportional comparison sheet with human, elf, ogre and urtangu.

Note: take heed of the consistency through all images of the dwarf, do not change attributes within process. Each attribute should be applied to his visual identity; the sum of all shown details has to tell the dwarf's story and personality wordlessly.

/ Well and today I started to reopen the unfinished project by starting with step 2, the portraits. It's funny to work on material made by oneself from such time distance.

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